Microsoft provides 34 standard reports, grouped in five categories.
Note that the collection specified does not have to be one used in a corresponding deployment unless note otherwise below. Appropriate information will be reported for whatever computers are in the specified collection. This allows reporting on coarser or finer levels of computers as desired.
<secondary> in a report title means it is linked from other reports.
Software Updates - A. Compliance
These reports show the degree to which portions or all of your network are in compliance. Reports can be based on Collections, Update Lists, Updates, Deployments, Vendors, or specific computers. They can provide high level summary data, and linked reports permits drilling down to details that can be used to increase the compliance rates.
- Compliance 1 - Overall Compliance
- Description: This report returns the overall compliance data for an Update List.
- Specify Upate List & Collection
- Lists number and percentage of computers in each state
- Links to Compliance 8, listing all computers in that Update List with a specific state
Compliance 2 - Specific software update - Description: This report returns the compliance data for a specified software Update.
- Specify Collection and Update
- Lists number of machines installed, required, not required and unknown, with percentages compliant, not compliant and unknown
- Links to Compliance 7, which lists numbers by state. That links to Compliance 9, which lists individual computers in a specific state.
Compliance 3 - Update list (per update) - Description: This report returns the compliance data for software updates defined in an Update List
- Specify Update List and Collection
- Lists individual updates in the list with approved status and statistics as in Compliance 2
- Links to Compliance 7, which lists numbers by state. That links to Compliance 9, which lists individual computers in a specific state.
Compliance 4 - Deployment (per update) - Description: This report returns the compliance data for software updates defined in a Deployment
- Specify Deployment and Collection
- Lists individual updates in the list with approved status and statistics as in Compliance 2
- Links to Compliance 7, which lists numbers by state. That links to Compliance 9, which lists individual computers in a specific state.
Compliance 5 - Updates by vendor/month/year - Description: This report returns the compliance data for software updates released by a vendor during a specific month and year. To limit the amount of information returned, you can specify the software update class and product.
- Specify Collection, Vendor and Year, Month (optional), Update Class (Securiity Updates, Critical Updates, etc) (optional) and Product (optional)
- Lists individual updates in the list with approved status and statistics as in Compliance 2
- Links to Compliance 7, which lists numbers by state. That links to Compliance 9, which lists individual computers in a specific state.
Compliance 6 - Specific computer - Description: This report returns the software update compliance data for a specific computer. To limit the amount of information returned, you can specify the vendor and software update classification.
- Specify computer, vendor (optional) and update class (optional)
- Lists each update in the requested vendor and class, showing status of approved, installed, required and deadline.
- Links to no other reports.
Compliance 7 - Specific software update states <secondary> - Description: This report returns the count and percentage of computers in each compliance state for the specified software update. For best results, start with 'Compliance 2 - Specific software update' and then drill into this report to return the count of computers in each compliance state.
Compliance 8 - Computers in a specific compliance state for an update list <secondary> - Description: This report returns all computers in a collection that have a specific overall compliance state against a software update list. For best results, start with 'Compliance 1 - Overall Compliance' to return the count of computers in each of the compliance states and then drill into this report to return the computers in the selected compliance state.
Compliance 9 - Computers in a specific compliance state for an update <secondary> - Description: This report returns all computers in a collection that have a specific compliance state for a software update. For best results, start with 'Compliance 2 - Specific software update'. Next drill into 'Compliance 7 - Specific software update states ' to return the count of computers in each compliance state, and then drill into this report to return the computers in the selected compliance state.
Software Updates - B. Deployment Management
These reports are designed to help manage update deployments.
- Management 1 - Updates required but not deployed
- Description: This report returns all vendor-specific software updates that have been detected as required on clients but that have not been deployed to a specific collection. To limit the amount of information returned, you can specify the software update class.
- Specify Collection, Vendor, Update Class (optional)
- Lists each update applicable to at least one computer, with the number and percentage of computers that require the update
- Links to no other reports
Management 2 - Updates in a deployment - Description: This report returns the software updates that are contained in a specific deployment.
- Specify Deployment
- Lists each update in the deployment with compliance statistics
- Links to States 5 which lists each state for a selected update. That report links to States 6 with the list of computers in a selected state.
Management 3 - Deployments that target a collection - Description: This report returns all software update deployments that target a specific collection
- Specify Collection (no data will be returned for collections that were not used in deployments)
- Lists individual deployments with times Available, Deadline and Last Modified
- Links to Management 2 to provide details about selected deployment
Management 4 - Deployments that target a computer - Description: This report returns all software update deployments that target a specific computer.
- Specify Computer name
- Lists individual deployments with times Available, Deadline and Last Modified
- Links to Management 2 to provide details about selected deployment
Management 5 - Deployments that contain a specific update - Description: This report returns all deployments that contain a specific software update. Use this report to track the deployments that have targeted the software update to clients in the associated collection.
- Specify Software Update
- Lists individual deployments with times Available, Deadline and Last Modified
- Links to Management 2 to provide details about selected deployment
Management 6 - Deployments that contain an update list - Description: This report returns all deployments that contain all of the software updates defined in a specified Update List.
- Specify Update List
- Lists individual deployments with times Available, Deadline and Last Modified
- Links to Management 2 to provide details about selected deployment
Management 7 - Updates in a deployment missing content - Description: This report returns the software updates in a specified deployment that do not have all of the associated content retrieved, preventing clients from installing the update and achieving 100% compliance for the deployment.
- Specify Deployment
- Lists update, number of computers missing content
- Links to Management 8 to provide details of computers missing a selected update
Management 8 - Computers missing content <secondary> - Description: This report returns all computers that require a specific software update contained in a specific deployment that is not provisioned on a distribution point. For best results, start with 'Management 7 - Updates in a deployment missing content' to return all software updates in the deployment that have not been provisioned, and then drill into this report to return all computers that require the software update.
Software Updates - C. Deployment States
These reports help track the status and results of a Deployment.
- States 1 - Enforcement states for a deployment
- Description: This report returns the enforcement states for a specific software update deployment, which is typically the second phase of a deployment assessment. For the overall progress of software update installation, use this report in conjunction with 'Evaluation state for a specific software update deployment'.
- Specify Deployment
- Lists deployment name, Time Available and Deadline, with number of computers and percentage last reporting each state
- Links to States 4 with details of computers with the selected state
States 2 - Evaluation states for a deployment - Description: This report returns the evaluation state for a specific software update deployment, which is typically the first phase of a deployment assessment. For the overall progress of software update installation, use this report in conjunction with Enforcement state for a specific software update deployment.
- Specify Deployment
- Lists deployment name, Time Available and Deadline, with number of computers and percentage last reporting each state
- Links to States 4 with details of computers with the selected state
States 3 - States for a deployment and computer - Description: This report returns the states for all software updates in the specified deployment for a specified computer.
- Specify Deployment, Computer Name
- Lists each update with state and error status ID
- Links to States 7, showing status messages for the selected update
States 4 - Computers in a specific state for a deployment <secondary> - Description: This report returns all computers in a specific state for a software update deployment. For best results, start with 'States 1 - Enforcement states for a deployment' or 'States 2 - Evaluation states for a deployment' to identify the states for the deployment, and then drill into this report to return all computers in the specific state.
States 5 - States for an update in a deployment <secondary> - Description: This report returns a summary of states for a specific software update targeted by a specific deployment. For best results, start with 'Management 2 - Updates in a deployment' to return the software updates contained in a specific deployment, and then drill into this report to return the state for the selected software update.
States 6 - Computers in a specific enforcement state for an update <secondary> - Description: This report returns all computers in a specific enforcement state for a specific software update. For best results, start with 'Management 2 - Updates in a deployment' to return the software updates contained in a specific deployment, drill into 'States 5 - States for an update in a deployment ' to return the states for the selected software update, and then drill into this report to return all computers in the selected state.
States 7 - Error status messages for a computer <secondary> - Description: This report returns all status messages for a given Update or Deployment on a particular Computer for a given Status Message ID.
Software Updates - D. Scan
These reports help manage scanning.
- Scan 1 - Last scan states by collection
- Description: This report returns the count of computers in each of the compliance scan states returned by clients during their last compliance scan filtered on a given Collection.
- Specify Source (WSUS server) and collection
- Lists number of machines with each scan state
- Links to Scan 3, listing machines with selected scan state and showing last scan date/time
Scan 2 - Last scan states by site - Description: This report returns the count of computers in each of the compliance scan states returned by clients during their last compliance scan.
- Specify Update Source, Site
- Lists number of machines with each scan state
- Links to Scan 4, listing computers and last scan time with selected scan state
Scan 3 - Clients of a collection reporting a specific state <secondary> - Description: This report returns all computers that are assigned to a specific site server and that reported a specific state during their last compliance scan filtered on a giiven collection.
Scan 4 - Clients of a site reporting a specific state <secondary> - Description: This report returns all computers that are assigned to a specific site server and that reported a specific state during their last compliance scan.
Software Updates - E. Troubleshooting
These reports help identify and troubleshoot problems.
- Troubleshooting 1 - Scan errors
- Description: This report returns a grouped listing of all the different scan errors on the site along with a count of the number of clients which are failing because of these errors.
- Specify Update Source, Collection
- Lists Scan errors with number of failing clients
- Links to Troubleshooting 3
Troubleshooting 2 - Deployment errors - Description: This report returns a grouped listing of all the different deployment errors on the site along with a count of the number of clients which are failing because of these errors.
- Specify Deployment
- Lists Deployment errors with number of failing clients
- Links to Troubleshooting 4
Troubleshooting 3 - Computers failing with a specific scan error <secondary> - Description: This report returns a list of the computers on which scan is failing because of a specific error.
Troubleshooting 4 - Computers failing with a specific deployment error <secondary> - Description: This report returns a list of the computers on which the deployment of update is failing because of a specific error.
Software Updates - F. Distribution Status for SMS 2003 Clients
These reports help manage updates applied to SMS 2003 clients.
- Distribution 1 - Advertisement Status for SMS 2003 clients
- Description: This report lists all software distribution advertisements for the selected update. For each advertisement it also shows the advertisement state and count of machines in that state. This report also covers additional advertisement states available for software update advertisements.
- Specify Type (Microsoft Update), Update
- Lists (unknown)
- Links to no reports
Distribution 2 - SMS 2003 clients with a specific update advertisement state - Description: This report shows a list of computers which are in a specific state of an advertisement. This report also covers additional advertisement state available for software update advertisements.
- Specify Advertisement, Distribution Status, Update Distribution Status (optional)
- Lists (unknown)
- Links to no reports