Thursday, January 5, 2012

APP-V Files when you sequence...

APP-V Files when you sequence...

.Sprj => Sequencing  Project File
.SFT  => Binary File
.OSD  => Open Software Description File
.ICO  => Icons associated with each shortcut defined within the OSD or Manifest
.XML Manifest - Publishing Parameters for all applications in a package
.MSI - Microsoft Installer File

Monday, January 2, 2012

How would i start my Private Cloud for SCCM ?

here is good to start article 


Datacenter or Enterprise editions to look at Hyper-V

Free Server just Hyper-V No Windows Server (Free)

VMware , Hyper-V or Xen can both be managed by this current product

The 2012 version of SCVMM . A better way to manage any virtualization and can work with different fabric.

Known as SCOM helps you monitor what’s going on real time with your operations

Known as SCCM, The product that helps you roll out clients or servers and properly configure them and baseline them.

The next version of SCCM which is really a brand new product.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Let Browse your CHM files with ZOME

Official CHM reader in windows doesn't offer control over the font size after IE7. It can be torturous and straining to read ant-like text in high resolution screen.
That's where ChmZoomer comes into play. The plug-in lets you zoom-in and zoom-out the font size in CHM freely. So the CHM would be comfortable to read.

Moreover, ChmZoomer gives you handy full page zoom functionality for all other browser-based applications, such as e-Books, RSS Reader and so on. That is just like in IE7/8.

The shortcut keys are the same as IE and Firefox. Press [CTRL +] or [CTRL Mouse wheel up] to zoom in. Press [CTRL -] or [CTRL Mouse wheel down] to zoom out. Reset zoom to 100% with Ctrl-0.