It will again extend your evolution to 180 Days
Saturday, January 21, 2012
How would I extend my Windows 2008 R2 Evolution ?
Friday, January 20, 2012
How to change the SCCM Client Log files size to Max value that you want
Sometimes or other we might need to retain the max size of log files for reading/analyzing.
Here are some useful info………… in this regards………….
Client side reference registry
For X86 systems
- HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CCM\Logging\@GLOBAL
For X64 systems
The reference key is Log Maxsize
I tried to change manually by regedit how it is showing error as can’t be edited the value..
So I depended on below WMI script
' VBScript to change the Log File Size on a ConfigMgr client
' Change the 500000 to your required size in bytes
Dim newLogMaxSize
Dim sMachine
newLogMaxSize = 500000
sMachine = "."
set oCCMNamespace = GetObject("winmgmts://" & sMachine & "/root/ccm")
Set oInstance = oCCMNamespace.Get("SMS_Client")
set oParams = oInstance.Methods_("SetGlobalLoggingConfiguration").inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
oParams.LogMaxSize = newLogMaxSize
oCCMNamespace.ExecMethod "SMS_Client", "SetGlobalLoggingConfiguration", oParams
' End of script
So Do not change the registry value directly!
The SDK shows the SetGlobalLoggingConfiguration Method in Class SMS_Client
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Take help of world wide Telescopes to see universe
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Monday, January 16, 2012
How to learn / Education
1. Information -- Often we think information is education, but it is only one aspect of education.
2. Concepts -- Concepts are the basis for all research. You need to conceive in order to create.
3. Attitude -- An integral aspect of education is cultivating the right attitude. Proper attitude at the right time and place determines your actions and behavior.
4. Imagination -- Imagination is essential for creativity, for the arts. But if you get stuck in imagination, you may become psychotic.
5. Freedom -- Freedom is your very nature. Only with freedom, do joy, generosity and other human values blossom. Without freedom, attitudes become stifling, concepts become a burden, information is of no value and imagination becomes stagnant.