Thursday, March 4, 2010

if you get the polcy agent log error...similar to below...


if you get the policy agent log error...similar to below...

Download of policy CCM_Policy_Policy4.PolicyID="{ddd31ca3-235d-4d47-b9b0-522ab79a4f18}",PolicySource="SMS:P04",PolicyVersion="1.00" failed (DTS Job ID: {2A03490A-B034-400B-87C4-08AC8AF07145}) PolicyAgent_PolicyDownload 3/2/2010 10:20:54 PM 3276 (0x0CCC)
Policy state for CCM_Policy_Policy4.PolicyID="{ddd31ca3-235d-4d47-b9b0-522ab79a4f18}",PolicySource="SMS:P04",PolicyVersion="1.00" was successfully reset. Policy download will be retried at next evaluation cycle. PolicyAgent_PolicyDownload 3/2/2010 10:20:54 PM 3276 (0x0CCC)
Download of policy CCM_Policy_Policy4.PolicyID="{E161A5A4-0DB4-40FD-8311-4BB2D50D03F5}",PolicySource="SMS:P04",PolicyVersion="14.00" failed (DTS Job ID: {BCB59159-EC2C-43B2-8BC7-2EE5BF5A4B72}) PolicyAgent_PolicyDownload 3/2/2010 10:20:54 PM 5684 (0x1634)
Policy state for CCM_Policy_Policy4.PolicyID="{E161A5A4-0DB4-40FD-8311-4BB2D50D03F5}",PolicySource="SMS:P04",PolicyVersion="14.00" was successfully reset. Policy download will be retried at next evaluation cycle. PolicyAgent_PolicyDownload 3/2/2010 10:20:54 PM 5684 (0x1634)
Download of policy CCM_Policy_Policy4.PolicyID="{E21A8331-0783-496F-ADD8-9ABCA051D707}",PolicySource="SMS:P04",PolicyVersion="1.00" failed (DTS Job ID: {145F36FE-C377-4FD8-960B-3B449AAD17A9}) PolicyAgent_PolicyDownload 3/2/2010 10:20:54 PM 3276 (0x0CCC)
You need to rebuild the WMI


If you want to exclude some systems from CLIENT PUSH

If you want to exclude some servers from CLIENT PUSH

You can exclude the server from push installations by adding the server name to the registrykey ExcludeServers under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/SMS/Components/SMS_DISCOVERY_DATA_MANAGER on you site server. You find more information about this here:


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

wmi Rebuild from BLOG


1. Open a CMD prompt on the server and change directory to %windir%\System32\WBEM (\SysWOW64\WBEM on x64)

2. Execute the following:

FOR /f %s in ('dir /b /s *.dll') do regsvr32 /s %s 
Net stop /y winmgmt 
FOR /f %s in ('dir /b *.mof *.mfl') do mofcomp %s 
Net start winmgmt 

Note: Don't attempt to compile the MOF files in the \bin\i386 folder on a site server, as we contain stub files (names start with an underscore character such as _smsprov.mof) that need to be populated with site specific data through other means.   


Client Troublshooting checks check list

Are you able to ping the server?
Is the server in Accepted list for supported servers?
Is Client Installed?
What is the Hartbeat status?
What is the S/W inventory Status?
What is the H/W Status?
Is this system is in active state in the Console?
Is the system has Dubplicate DDR records in Console?
What is the Incident Number you created for this server?
Are you able to login in to the server?
Do you have administrator rights on the server?
Is the Default Shares are enabled?
is free space more than 500Mb availabl on the server?
did you find the SMS agent Service in the Services.msc?
Is the SMS Agent Host Service is in started state?
are you able to connect to the WMI?
Did you intiated Machine Policy and H/w and S/w Polices ?
Is the Policy able to recive?
any errors in Inventoryagent.log?
Did you tried to restart the SMS Agent Host service?
any errors in ccmexec.log?
are you able to open the MP cert and MPlist URLs from the client system?
did the .xml file reached to MP?
What happend to mp_ddr log?
Did you find the server Name in dataldr.log and updated in the DB?
Remove the client system from the console and uninstall the client now delete the smscliconfig.file and log off and login now try to reinstall the client

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

PXE Role Enable from Central ?

you can;t enable in the below hirarachy, you need to enable it from P01 only not from DC1

 DC1---Central Site
 P01--Primary Site
 S01 Secondary Site


PXE ROLE Troubleshooting:

PXE ROLE Troubleshooting:


1.Uninstalled PXE Service Point Role
2.Uninstalled WDS
3.Deleted 'C:\RemoteInstall' folder or what ever the folder shared also check if any folder shared for PXE related
4.Rebooted then reinstalled WDS, rebooted
5.Reinstalled PXE Service Point Role
6.DHCP is not installed on this server and on the same subnet
7.Removed PSP/WDS again using the PXE.msi, same results
also can Try this:

1. Remove the SMS PXE role. Look at the PXESetup.log file to verify that the uninstall is complete and successful.

2. Uninstall the WDS server.

3. Reboot the machine.

4. Re-install the WDS server, but "do not configure it". Do nothing at all other than installing WDS.

5. Add the SMS PXE role. Look at the PXESetup.log file to verify that the installation is complete and successful.

6. Add the boot images to the SMS PXE DP share. Look at the distmgr.log file to verify that the replication of the boot image to the DP is complete and successful.

Monday, March 1, 2010

SCCM Vnext The Next version of SCCM 2007

The next release of Configuration Manager will focus on a few main areas:

  • Improving client management experiences through enhanced, integrated software distribution models.  The next release of Configuration Manager will provide a framework for the right application format to be delivered to the user based on who they are, the device they are using, and their connection.
  • Infrastructure improvements are also a main focus.  Optimizing site hierarchy, replication and content distribution on the backend.  For the managed client, improving client health and remediation capabilities will ensure that when a system is managed, it remains healthy and secure.  Part of this is also improving the Admin experience.  In the past we did this by reducing mouse clicks to get through an activity.  This is only part of the process.  Adding security models to enable role based administration, as well as improving the Admin console experience will ensure that Admins are more efficient everywhere.
  • In addition, other areas of focus include expanding device management scenarios, model based configuration management and improving patch management services; just a few of the places we are focused on development.

  • Now available in beta for test.. Yep i wanted to do test in my LAB from next day

ConfigMgr07 R3

ConfigMgr07 R3
There're 3 main areas of enhancement being made to the core capabilities of ConfigMgr: Delta Active directory Discovery has 2 main tasks.

Discovering changes to users or machines that may effect targeting. Also, periodic full scans capture users and machines last logged time, ensuring active users or systems aren't made obsolete.
Fast Collections – When a Collection Membership Rule is configured to dynamically add new resources, a few things happen. This applies to a few resources.

Those that're initially discovered, OSD provisioned systems, HW inventories scanned systems, or ConfgMgr Client version upgrades. Admin Console Improvements helps Administrator save time in their daily tasks. For example, new right click options off a resource to add to collection (existing) add to new collection, remove from collection and add resources, are all designed to save console steps.